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Wolves Fans React to the New Home Kit: Love It or Hate It?

Wolves have just unveiled their new home kit, and opinions are pouring in from all sides. While some fans are excited about the fresh look, others aren’t quite convinced. Let’s break down the general sentiments from the Wolves community.

First Impressions

The new kit by Sudu is an interesting mix of the old and new. The badge is back in the centre, reminiscent of the kits from the late 1970s. But how do fans feel about this nostalgic nod?

Design Elements

Badge Placement: The most talked-about feature is the centrally placed badge. A throwback to older designs, it has split opinion. Some fans love the nostalgic touch, while others feel the badge should remain over the heart. Many fans believe the Sudo logo looks out of place and would have preferred it to be centred as well.

Colour and Collar: The kit features a classic gold colour, though some fans think it’s a bit too yellow and would prefer a shade closer to gold. The round neck collar also brings out mixed feelings, with several fans preferring a traditional shirt style collar.

Pattern and Simplicity: Many fans appreciate the subtle yet noticeable pattern of the wolf on the shirt, calling it unique and cool. The simplicity of the design has been praised for being clean and straightforward.

Quality and Fit

Material and Feel: Reviews on the material quality are still pending as most fans haven’t seen the kit in person. However, initial impressions suggest it looks durable and well-made.

Fit Concerns: Some fans worry about how the kit will fit, especially those with larger frames. The fitted design may not be flattering for everyone, leading to concerns about its practicality for everyday wear.

Let us know your thoughts on the kit in the comment section below.

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