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Living with a bitter twisted cynical old pessimist who seems to delight in pissing on everyone’s chips is no picnic.

Ask my missus and kids.
However I maintain that being a pessimist does have its advantages.
The main one being, If you always expect the worst you can go through life never being  dissapointed.
After the win against Palace there was a tangible feeling of relief, even joy, in the air as we made our way out of Molineux.
There was one little cloud though and guess where it was ?
Yes you’re right. 
Over my head.
I looked down at the smiling happy faces of my daughter and nephew and said “We’re not out of this yet”
They sighed and mumbled something to each other under their breaths. I’m sure I caught the words “miserable” “old” and  “bar steward”
Wolves are eight points above the relegation zone (If Everton win tonight It’ll be seven) and there are five games left.
Villa, Brighton, Man Utd and Arsenal will all be favourites to beat wolves and Everton are fellow relegation battlers and we all know how we’ve got on recently against the teams below us.
We’ve lost.
So if we lose all five and two of the bottom three win a few and draw a few we could still go down.
Another thing that seems to have been lost amongst all the “We’re safe now euphoria” is the fact that Wolves are still on the wrong end of all the game changing refereeing decisions on a match to match basis and if this carries on it could make all the difference.
Against Palace. OK, we got a pen but VAR did not ask the ref to have a look at the leg breaking tackle like they did when Jonny was guilty of a less aggressive challenge against Leeds.
Against Leicester. A clear hand ball in the box by Faes that VAR did not ask the ref to have a look at, yet when Lewis Dunk did the same for Brighton against Forest on Wednesday night the ref was sent to the screen and a pen was given.
And so on. And so on……
People will say that these incidents happen every week and it evens itself out over the season.
This has categorically not been the case for Wolves.
I know a lot of people are of the opinion that at least three other teams won’t reach 37 points.
I sincerely hope they are right but it ain’t over till its over and I don’t see a fat lady and I can’t hear any singing.
Sean Stanton


Born in Wolverhampton. Raised in Dudley, Drank in the Beacon in Sedgley until he had children. Now drinks at home.

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