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Sean Stanton’s takes a tongue in cheek look  at Wolves’ January transfer window.

In the January sales you often end up buying stuff you don’t need just because its dirt cheap. Not so the January Transfer Window, because there, you end up buying stuff you’re absolutely desperate for (like a striker) for an eye wateringly over inflated amount.

As the old song goes “How much is that doggie in the window ?”
“You mean the one without a goal in its last seventeen appearances who has been struggling to get into the starting eleven”
“Yes, that one”
“It’s fourty four million”
“How much ?”
“Fourty four million. Take it or leave it..”
“We’ll take it”

Ok, so it’s a loan with an obligation. Some would say an obligation to have your head examined for spending so much but with Sasa and Chiquinho’s ACL’s, Pedro’s ankle, Raul’s skull and groin and Diego’s age, beggars can’t be choosers.

We also need a midfielder and for the sake of balance he needs to be tall. Joao, Hodge and Ronan are talented guys but let’s be honest, if they all had big hairy feet none of them would look out of place playing for the Shire in the Hobbitt league.

A defender is also urgently required but how much will a decent one cost in the mid season madness that is the January Transfer window ?

If only we had that guy Boly who played so well for Forest against Chelsea or maybe the Everton centre back who was rock solid against Man City a few days ago or even the captain of Morocco, How good was he in the World Cup ?

Er…What was that?  Er.. ok. I’ll change the subject.

Apparently Jeff Shi has purchased a prosthetic arm and a prosthetic leg.  He took it literally when the scouting team told him how much the January window was going to cost him.

Sean Stanton


Born in Wolverhampton. Raised in Dudley, Drank in the Beacon in Sedgley until he had children. Now drinks at home.

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