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Key Takeaways from Wolves’ Triumph Over Spurs

Dave Porter shares his thoughts following Wolves victory over Spurs and the key takeaways from the game.

1. Wolves will be Wolves. 

Even by Wolves standards, Wolves are having the most Wolvsiest Wolves year you can imagine. To the neutral, this result may have been somewhat of a surprise, but Wolves fans know better. An abject Brentford defeat at home the filling between a Tottenham and Chelsea sandwich sums up the best and the worst of Wolves. Wolves now sit on thirty-five points, the kind of return, we would probably have settled for achieving by late April, at the start of the season, but has been achieved in mid February. Premier league safety is all but assured already. Whilst the season as a whole is nothing short of a massive success, there is a slight grimace towards what could have been. Wolves have picked up fifteen points from their double wins against Chelsea and Tottenham along with a victory over champions Manchester City. That is almost 43% of the total points amassed this season. Conversely, Wolves have picked up only one point from games against Crystal Palace, Sheffield United, Fulham and Luton. That’s only 2.8% of the total points achieved. The caveat of course is that all of the latter list have been away from home. If Wolves can find a solution to situations that require them to be more proactive and less counter attacking, then the season still presents an opportunity. 


2. Neto Will go Number One in the draft.

We all want him to stay of course, but there is a likely reality that needs to be faced that Neto is in his final games at Wolves. What is now abundantly clear, is that Neto is THE prized premier league footballer. If that wasn’t the case already then recent games against high profile opposition will have cemented that view and added significantly to the likely market price. There is no one else more coveted by other clubs at the moment than Pedro Neto. If the predicted bidding war comes to fruition, then Wolves are likely to mark the sale price as offers over £80m only. Another sensational, eye-catching assist yesterday added to a portfolio of now trademark runs leading to goals. Opposition managers know what he is capable of, they know what he is going to do, you just can’t stop him.


3. The arrival of Joao Gomes

Not the late arrival into the penalty area, having won the ball seventy yards further back in his own penalty area to smash home Wolves winner, this was the arrival game of Joao Games to the collective conscious of the Premier League. What an unbelievable player Wolves have here and in a string of excellent performances this season, this was his best. The energy, the drive, and the talent that Gomes has was known to most Wolves fans already, but the player was seldom talked about by opposition supporters. That will change, a brace here was the sugar, cherry and icing on an already outstanding performance, and will have alerted other clubs. The Brazilian national manager was in the crowd, he may have been there to monitor the form of oft Wolves’ nemesis Richarlison, but there will only be one name that they would have taken away with them. Nothing escalates the world knowledge of a player than being the first-choice Brazilian centre midfielder. What should excite Wolves fans and frighten everyone else, is that there is still so much more potential to be unlocked. 


4. Nelson Semedo is having the season of his life.

You know the meme, car keys, wallet, and picture of Son Heung Min. Not only was Tottenham’s main threat totally nullified by Semedo, the contributions he makes going forward are incredible. If only his numbers in the final third were better, he would be right up there with the best full backs on the planet. He may have divided opinion at times with Wolves, but this should no longer be any kind of talking point. We are seeing a right back worth the price originally paid. Sometimes the eye test is more valuable than the data and in Semedo’s case, Ignore the numbers, they lie.


5. Wolves can cope without Cunha.

Wolves have been so reliant on Cunha’s contributions over recent months. 70 minutes against Brentford without the in form forward provided a sombre glimpse into what games without Cunha could be for Wolves. A returning Hwang softened the blow somewhat, although Hwang himself looks like a player in need of an extended rest. Wolves had to find a way of playing without Cunha and they did. Whilst Cunha’s omission will likely to be felt more against opponents who are willing to sit back and invite Wolves on to them, Wolves needed to find different solutions in the short term and O’Neil should take credit for finding a way for Wolves to not only function but also create multiple opportunities without their record signing being on the pitch. Fingers however remain crossed that Cunha’s uncertain injury position is resolved positively as soon as possible. Wolves are a better team with Cunha in the starting line up. 


6. This team can react to adversity.

To bounce back from a very poor performance, to lose a goal in the opening 30 seconds of the second half and go on to win. To lose their most inform player to injury and adjust. This team does not know when its beaten. The attitude of the players, the mentality, the fight would resonate with supporters of any club, but particularly with those of Wolves. Wolves are an underdog, siege mentality club, one that can accept defeat but not a lack of effort or fight. The players and their attitude have a simpatico to the support that has brought a togetherness that rivals even that of Prime Nuno. Outwardly to the rest of the footballing world, Wolves have gone from dull, pragmatic relegation candidates to exciting, entertaining would be European contenders. The dressing room is together, the players and supporters are together. Wolves have a real chance to shock the Premier League this season and achieve the unthinkable in achieving European football. You just wouldn’t bet against this group.  


Dave Porter, Always Wolves Fan TV


Wolverhampton born, East Sussex based supporter. Old enough to have seen the descent to the bottom, young enough to not have experienced the days my friend. Not many Wolves fans to celebrate or commiserate with round these parts, so had to find an outlet to discuss the enormous highs, crushing lows and share the frustrations that only come with following Wolves.  

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