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watch our reaction as wolves slump to defeat to Brentford

Wolves Stung by the Bees: A Tough Day at Brentford

In the world of football, every game is a roller coaster of emotions, expectations, and sometimes, disappointments. Such was the case for Wolves as they faced off against Brentford, a match that left fans and players alike with mixed feelings. Here’s a breakdown of how the game unfolded, the highs and lows, and what it means for Wolves moving forward.

First Half Frustrations

It’s fair to say that the game didn’t start off on the right foot for Wolves. Expectations were high, with some fans dreaming of another victory. However, reality had other plans. Brentford took the early lead, putting Wolves on the back foot from the get-go. This slow start has become something of a worrying trend for Wolves, marking a bad habit of conceding the first goal.

Despite high hopes and aspirations, Wolves struggled to make their mark in the first half, failing to live up to the potential they’ve shown in previous matches. This lack of early presence has become a recurring issue that the team needs to address moving forward.

Second Half Surge

The second half saw a rejuvenated Wolves team, indicating a potential comeback. A disallowed goal for Wolves, decided by a tight margin, was a harsh blow to the team’s morale. Nevertheless, Wolves kept fighting, pushing forward with energy and determination that was lacking in the first half.

However, Brentford’s defence stood strong, effectively blocking Wolves’ attempts to level the score. In a game where every chance counts, Wolves found themselves struggling to break through Brentford’s defensive wall.

Defensive Dilemmas

A major talking point from the match was Wolves’ defensive vulnerabilities. Conceding from a corner for the third game in a row highlighted a concerning pattern. Despite historically being strong in set pieces, Wolves’ recent performances tell a different story. This culminated in a second goal conceded in what can only be described as a mix-up, further complicating Wolves’ path to a comeback.

Looking Ahead

While the match against Brentford ended in disappointment, it serves as a learning experience for Wolves. The game highlighted areas of improvement, specifically in starting matches with more intensity and shoring up the defensive organisation.

As Wolves aspire to reach European positions, games like these are a stark reminder of the consistency and resilience required. While beating top teams is impressive, securing victories against clubs like Brentford is crucial for long-term success.


The match against Brentford was a mixed bag for Wolves, showing both the potential and pitfalls of the team. As Wolves look to bounce back from this setback, the focus shifts to future games. With a challenging schedule ahead, including a clash with Tottenham and an FA Cup game, Wolves have ample opportunity to prove their mettle.

Disappointment aside, there’s a silver lining in the form of Wolves Women’s upcoming match against Brighton. Supporting the women’s team is a great way for fans to show their unwavering support for the Wolves family.

As always, Wolves remain a team with promise and potential. With lessons learned from the Brentford match, they are set to face future challenges head-on. Here’s to hoping for a strong comeback in the games to come. Always Wolves.


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