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Jeff Shi starts by referencing the book and recent spin off series ‘The Three Body Problem’. The novel explores the idea that humans, facing technologically advanced aliens, were perceived as inferior creatures. Initially likened to bugs, humans showed surprising resilience against the aliens.

In the context of football, Wolves find themselves in a position akin to humans in the novel – not as powerful as the aliens, yet not as insignificant as bugs. The club aims to enhance its operations by learning from both larger and smaller clubs. Wolves strive for long-term success, rejecting short-term approaches.

Jeff goes on to say that the club values its uniqueness and heritage, understanding that enduring success requires patience, learning from failures, and continuous improvement. The management and staff at Wolves share a common identity as long-term thinkers, coming from diverse backgrounds to contribute meaningfully to the club’s future. They recognise that true strength and lasting success come from learning, failing, and improving over time.

The key message coming out of this is patience and that as fans we shouldn’t expect too much!


On Gary O'neil

Jeff states that Gary O’Neil and his coaching team have had a strong season, despite being hindered by injuries and contentious refereeing decisions. While our league position could have been better without these setbacks, the focus has been on building a competitive squad and laying a solid foundation for future progress. Luck can play a role in where we finish, but the key lies in maintaining a strong squad and coaching setup.

Evaluating our performance, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and making necessary improvements are our immediate priorities post-season. Gary faced a significant challenge taking on the role late in the summer, which limited his ability to shape the squad according to his vision. Despite the lack of time for player assessment and pre-season preparation, the team has shown promise under his leadership.

On Fosun's achievements

In 2016, when I started at Wolves, we were a mid-table Championship team. Due to injuries and key player departures, we struggled that season and were almost relegated to League One. Before 2016, Wolves hadn’t stayed in the top English division for five consecutive years since 1977 to 1982. This upcoming season marks my ninth year with Wolves and the seventh in the Premier League. The club has definitely moved up a few levels in the football hierarchy. Over the years, we’ve had our highs and lows, but I believe a steady growth is better than a quick, unstable rise. The key to stability, in my opinion, is the manager and club growing together, supporting each other through thick and thin. When one falters, the other steps in, and we move forward together.


Jeff Shi

Our universe is a bit more complicated, each owner’s pocket is limited, and in this case, if a club can’t find a way to be self-sufficient sooner or later, then the day its owner stops funding is literally the day it starts to prepare for administration or to be sold.

This is an interesting quote about investment from the owners. There has been much talk of Wolves becoming financially self sufficient which in itself is a massive task. He indicates that the alternative to being self sufficient would be administration or sale of the club. As Fosun are no longer willing to invest in Wolves does this mean they are looking for a buyer if we are unable to become self sufficient?

On fan's expectations

Fans play a crucial role in the success of football clubs, including Wolves. The club’s current focus is on steady growth driven by people rather than just money. Football clubs compete not only on the field but also financially behind the scenes. Wolves have shown progress in commercial revenue, thanks to the support of fans and business partners. Financially, the club is performing well, aiming to break even without one-off gains or losses. It’s essential for clubs to balance sporting success, commercial growth, and financial stability for both short and long-term achievements. Next season, Wolves aim to continue this positive trend and increase revenue and fanbase.


Jeff Shi

Fans also play an important role. If you only pursue trophies or consistent European football, Wolves might not be an ideal choice.

If you only love your local team and don’t mind their sporting achievements, Wolves may not be one either.

The chapter of Wolves now is about a patient story of growth; slow, but indomitable, driven by people and not capital.

On season ticket prices

When it comes to commercial revenue, Jeff says setting ticket prices can be tricky. Everyone wants a good deal, right? But increasing costs for Premier League games can frustrate fans. We need to be fair in our pricing, comparing with other clubs. Our ticketing team has done thorough research to make sure our prices are in line with similar clubs. Commercial growth is crucial because, while TV rights bring in money, wages can eat up a big chunk of it. Our income mainly comes from commercial areas, setting us apart from bigger clubs. 

We’ve been getting positive feedback on our video feature, ‘Don’t Suffer In Silence’. It’s about sharing stories and building understanding. We’re all working hard here at Wolves to give our fans the best experience possible. It’s not about egos, but about enjoying moments together and aiming for our goals as a team.

We would love to hear what you think about this open letter from the chairman so please leave your comments below or on our socials

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1 Comment

  • by Kevin Harris
    Posted May 31, 2024 11:54 am 0Likes

    It’s time for Jeff Shi to come out and explain to fans

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