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Gary O’Neil’s Wolves v Fulham Press Conference: What You Need to Know


With Wolves gearing up to face Fulham this Saturday at Molineux, Gary O’Neil’s pre-match press conference shed light on the squad’s condition, tactical insights, and the club’s strategic vision. Here’s what you need to know to stay updated.

Squad Health and Availability

Top of the agenda were the concerns around the fitness of key players. Recent injuries have seen Wolves fans biting their nails, especially after José Sá and Pedro Neto were sidelined in the clash against Newcastle, and Joe Gomes couldn’t start due to a hamstring issue. The good news? O’Neil confirmed that Pedro, José, and Gomes are all fit, firing, and ready to be part of the squad come matchday. However, Dawson faces a race against time with a sore groin and might miss out on this weekend’s action.

Youth Taking Centre Stage

One of the most exciting aspects of O’Neil’s management is his willingness to trust and utilise the younger talents in the squad. Nathan Fraser, in particular, has caught the eye of the coaching staff and might just find himself in the starting lineup. It’s a fresh breath of air seeing young guns getting their chance to shine on the big stage.

Focus on the Future

Questions also flew in regarding O’Neil’s future at Wolves and the club’s direction. With contract talks on the horizon, the gaffer was clear: his immediate attention is on the remaining fixtures. Yet, his affection for the club was unmistakable. “I love everything we’re trying to do here,” O’Neil remarked, highlighting his bond with the fans, players, and staff. It looks like Wolves’ management is on solid ground, with both parties keen on a fruitful collaboration.


No modern football discussion can steer clear of financial matters. With Wolves posting losses of £67.2 million for the year 2022-23, there were inevitable questions about the club’s financial health. O’Neil was pragmatic yet optimistic. Acknowledging the need to balance the books, he indicated that while some players might be sold, it doesn’t necessarily mean the stars will be leaving. It’s a strategic game of balancing asset management with squad needs.


  • Winger Pedro Neto and goalkeeper Jose Sa are “both feeling 100% fine” and will be in the squad after being forced off with injury problems at half-time in the 3-0 defeat by Newcastle last weekend.

  • Sporting director Matt Hobbs said  that contract talks with O’Neil are planned for the end of the season, but O’Neil is keen to focus on Wolves’ remaining fixtures before starting discussions about his own future.

  • On how straightforward those talks will be when they take place: “I love it here. I’m really happy and I love everything we’re trying to do, even the challenges we’ve had to face with how we try to do things and changing the model financially. I’ve loved the reception I’ve got from the fans and the relationship I have with the fans, the playing squad and the staff. I’m sure when it comes to it, there will be no problems.”

  • On his relationship with Hobbs: “Matt’s a great guy, I wouldn’t be here without him. The support I’ve had from Matt has been something I haven’t really experienced in football before as a player or as a manager at my last club. When you have to have awkward conversations, you always know my side and his side are coming from a really good place.”

  • Wolves announced a financial loss of £67.2m for 2022-23 last week, but O’Neil insisted that does not mean the club will be forced to sell any of its star assets: “We have enough assets within the club, whether they be here or playing elsewhere, that we’ll be able to do some stuff in the summer. But also, if we want to be really active and sign players, then we will need to sell some. That doesn’t mean we have to sell one of the most expensive ones. It’s not like we have to sell, but if we want to do business, there will be people that leave in the summer.”

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