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Premier League to Keep VAR: Here’s What’s Changing

Football fans, I’m writing to you from the beautiful island of Hvar in Croatia with some big news from the Premier League. While soaking up the sun, the Premier League made a crucial announcement about VAR (Video Assistant Referee). The decision is to keep VAR for the next season, following a vote by Premier League clubs. Interestingly, 19 clubs voted in favour, with only Wolverhampton Wanderers opposing. Let’s break down the key changes they’re planning to make.

High Threshold for Intervention

The Premier League plans to keep a high threshold for intervention with VAR. This means only clear and obvious errors will be reviewed, helping to maintain the natural flow of the game. We don’t want stoppages to disrupt the excitement on the pitch.

Reducing Delays with Semi-Automated Offside

Delays have been a major complaint, but the good news is that the Premier League aims to cut these down. They plan to introduce semi-automated offside technology by August. This should speed up decisions and keep the game moving more smoothly.

Enhancing the Fan Experience

Improving the fan experience is a priority. Referees will announce VAR decisions and explanations, aiming for more transparency. Whenever possible, enhanced big screen videos of VAR decisions will be shown in stadiums. This should make it clearer for fans watching live.

Better Training for Quicker Decisions

The Premier League will work with the PGMOL to improve VAR training. This aims to make decisions faster without losing accuracy. Referees and VAR officials will be better prepared to handle tight calls efficiently.

Improvements at the VAR Match Centre

Changes are also coming to the VAR match centre and its broadcasting. The exact details are still under wraps, but expect improvements in how VAR decisions are managed and communicated during matches.

Communication Campaign

Finally, the Premier League plans to launch a communication campaign to highlight the benefits of VAR. They want to make sure fans understand why these changes are being made and how they will improve the game. Better communication should help gain more support for VAR from both fans and players.


So there you have it – six main points that the Premier League will focus on to improve VAR next season. Personally, I’m not surprised by these changes. Clubs like Wolves have been vocal about the need for improvements, especially after some controversial calls last season. Let’s hold the system to account and hope these changes make a positive difference.

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