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A fairly quiet game, albeit conceding two goals which he could do little about. Collected a few crosses well and looked more assured than previous appearances.

RAYAN Ait-Nouri - 5

Rayan was much better going forward than defending, where he was caught out of position several times, leading to West Ham’s first goal. Had a glorious chance to shoot at the end of the first half but chose to pass instead. 

MAX Kilman - 6

Didn’t do much wrong throughout the game but he committed himself too quickly and got caught out of positions a few times.

Jonny OTTO - 4

Apart from a decent shot on target early on Jonny had a poor game. His passing was shocking and defensively looked naive and weak. 

RUBEN Neves - 7

One word, WASTED! Arguably our best player playing centre back instead of his natural, more impactful position. This being said, he defended well against a tall powerful striker. Blocked well and looked to move the ball quickly. 

NELSON Semedo - 5

Played a higher position today but had little impact on the game. Similar to other midfielders,too many sideways balls. 

MATHEUS Nunes - 4

Continues to hide on the pitch. Great things were talked of but similar to other performances this season, he lacks the confidence to show his true ability. Sideways and backwards passes. Lack of forward thinking was very frustrating.

JOAO Moutinho - 4

Might as well have played centre back instead of Neves, as that was where he stood most of the game. Once again this season, had no impact on the game. Countless side and backward passes. Way too deep to be creative. Corners also were extremely poor.

Gonçalo Guedes - 5

Another player who made little impact. Looks to be attacking but turns back and passes. Only decent contribution was the delightful free kick he put in, in the first half. 

Daniel Podence - 6

Effort for trying. Was the only one from the starting 11 who wanted to attack. A lot of shots from distance but nothing to really trouble the West Ham keeper. 

Pedro Neto 4

Even though he came off injured after 20 minutes, he was still poor. Lost his man early on which almost led to a goal and has no idea what to do once he gets close to the opposition’s box.


Adama Traore – 7 & MAN OF THE MATCH

Created more in this game than Guedes and Neto have all season. His end product was fantastic and caused the West Ham defence trouble often. He’ll work well with Costa in the future if given a chance. 

Costa – 7 

Was great to see us play with a striker who was active, wanted the ball, held positions and also ran the channel at time. If we play to his strengths he’ll do well for us. 

Campbell – 6 

Looked bright when he came on and almost scored from a brilliant run and shot. Has confidence which was good to see. 

Boubacar Traore – 5 

Like Moutinho and Nunes, side passes only. 

West Ham 

Bowen looked dangerous, goal and an assist was a job well done. Ait-Nouri’s lack of awareness did make his day a little easier.

Nick Parkes, Always Wolves Fan TV

article by nick Parkes

Hi, I’m Nick! Born in Wolverhampton and currently living in Barcelona.  I’ve been a Wolves fan since birth (dad’s choice) and was a north bank season ticket holder in my younger days. My favourite all-time player, Bully! And favourite player is Coady! 

I’m an English teacher by trade and when I’m not scolding teenagers in the class, I’m either running, gardening or watching cricket! 

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