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Wolves fans,  we’ve got some fresh  details about Wolverhampton Wanderers’ new principal partnership with Debet. This partnership isn’t just any deal. It’s set to bring a financial uplift to the club over the next two years.

How Much is the Deal Worth?

Yesterday, there was a bit of a mix-up about the deal’s value. Initially, it was thought to be worth around £7 million. But today, more accurate information has come to light. The Debet deal is actually worth just under £10 million a year. That means Wolves will receive nearly £20 million in total. This figure is more than four times what any previous deal has brought in. Understanding this helps explain why Wolves have chosen Debet as their front-of-shirt sponsor.

Financial Fair Play and Wolves’ Strategy

The funds from this deal will play a crucial role in Wolves’ Financial Fair Play (FFP) compliance. All of the money will go into the Profit and Sustainability Regime balance sheet. This ensures Wolves can maintain their financial health and stay within the rules. One important note: the Debet logo won’t appear on junior shirts, so we’re still waiting to see which brand will take that spot.

Who is Alan AlGer?

You might have noticed a new face in the promo video for this partnership. Alan Alger is Debet’s spokesman. Despite some thinking he might be an actor, Alan has a solid track record. He’s previously worked in a similar role for Betway with West Ham United. Check his LinkedIn profile for more details on his career. He’s met the players, the chairman, Gary O’Neil, and other key figures in the club. Alan will oversee Debet’s operations and ensure the partnership runs smoothly.

Addressing Fans’ Concerns

While some fans may not be thrilled about having a betting company on the front of the shirts, the financial boost is undeniable. The significant income from this deal will help Wolves navigate their FFP obligations smoothly. Given the financial landscape, this partnership makes sense for the club, even if it’s not the ideal sponsor some might have hoped for.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, this partnership with Debet brings a substantial financial boost to Wolves. The deal ensures the club can strengthen its financial position. It’s not the perfect sponsor for everyone, but it’s a vital one for the club’s financial health.

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